Monday, August 9, 2010

Goal 9: 5 Savings Accounts

Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's keep going down the list!***************************************************
*****************5 Savings Accounts*********************
If you know anything about me, then you know I work hard. If you know a little more about me, then you know as soon as I feel I don't have to work as hard, I won't. 5 Savings accounts will not all me to retire yet but do the math. Peep this: If I have one savings account that's got $100,000 in it and I gain interest at 0.01% per month (which is what apparently is the minimal standard of most banks I believe), then I gain $1,000 a month. 5 bank accounts would generate $5,000 a month. I might not be able to quit my day job but I definitely wouldn't have to work as hard as I do now.

Goal 8: Visit All 50 States

Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's keep going down the list!***************************************************
************Goal 8: VISIT ALL 50 STATES***************
I want to travel. Everybody does. I mean who doesn't? Now as much as I love to leave the USA, I just don't feel right trying to go somewhere like Amsterdam or China, even Jamaica, without visiting all 50 Continental USA states first. You travel to see new places but there's still places in your homeland that you haven't seen yet. Doesn't make sense, right? I figured it wouldn't. Of course I might just go and see some of the rest of the WORLD before it even happens but it's highly unlikely. Besides that, there's only 38 states I have to go; I've already visited 12 mostly via road trip to California. Thankfully, I went through a lot of the boring states early. Now I still got Alaska and Vermott so I'm not out of the woods yet.