Monday, August 9, 2010

Goal 9: 5 Savings Accounts

Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's keep going down the list!***************************************************
*****************5 Savings Accounts*********************
If you know anything about me, then you know I work hard. If you know a little more about me, then you know as soon as I feel I don't have to work as hard, I won't. 5 Savings accounts will not all me to retire yet but do the math. Peep this: If I have one savings account that's got $100,000 in it and I gain interest at 0.01% per month (which is what apparently is the minimal standard of most banks I believe), then I gain $1,000 a month. 5 bank accounts would generate $5,000 a month. I might not be able to quit my day job but I definitely wouldn't have to work as hard as I do now.

Goal 8: Visit All 50 States

Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's keep going down the list!***************************************************
************Goal 8: VISIT ALL 50 STATES***************
I want to travel. Everybody does. I mean who doesn't? Now as much as I love to leave the USA, I just don't feel right trying to go somewhere like Amsterdam or China, even Jamaica, without visiting all 50 Continental USA states first. You travel to see new places but there's still places in your homeland that you haven't seen yet. Doesn't make sense, right? I figured it wouldn't. Of course I might just go and see some of the rest of the WORLD before it even happens but it's highly unlikely. Besides that, there's only 38 states I have to go; I've already visited 12 mostly via road trip to California. Thankfully, I went through a lot of the boring states early. Now I still got Alaska and Vermott so I'm not out of the woods yet.

Friday, July 23, 2010

GOAL 7: QUIT much

Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's keep going down the list!***************************************************
*******************GOAL 7 QUIT much******************
WORLD, some of my darkest moments came because of alcohol. Since the age of 15, I had been so hooked on drinking that I needed it almost as soon as I woke up. When I went to school @ Devry when I was 18, I use to attend PFU (pretty fucked up) unless there was a test, then I'd immediately get fucked up like normal afterwards. I've done some bad shit while drunk then, including but not limited to being a bitch ass nigga that put his hands on women. Since I quit drinking the first time , I haven't done it since; has to be about 12-13 years now since the very last time. First of all, I have no intention to truly stop drinking. That wouldn't be healthy (a bare minium a day is actually good for you) nor smart; I DID quit cold turkey and each time, I got right back on it. BTW: this goal may take my a whole 5 more months to get started on since I paln on monitering how much I drink over the course of the rest of this year versus what I hope not to comsume all of next year. Confused? Whatever. I know what I mean: No more than a 6 pack/2 stiff drinks/4 glasses of wine a day and I'll be happy. Oh, yeah. And no more of my alcohol-induced blackouts; Lord knows I done lost enough friends and money doing that!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's keep going down the list!********************************************
******GOAL 6: QUIT SMOKING....CIGARETTES.*************************************
WORLD, I have a confession to make: I be "smoking with cigarettes" to quote my man from THE BOONDOCKS episode w/ the same name. I be smoking with killa too, if I'ma be totally honest. But the killa I aint concerned with, at least not yet. I dont exactly "need" it per se, like how I need a cigarette so it's not that big a deal. But cigarettes, with Downtown Chi prices for a pack more than $10, are my worst habit and I definitely wanna break this one. This is one goal that I'm not sure how long it's gonna take but I will get this accomplished before most of the other ones. I promise WORLD!! There is one other goal like this and that next post! Later.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's keep going down the list!********************************************
************GOAL 5: GET A COLLEGE DIPLOMA.*****************************************
Well WORLD! You already know that due to certain problems, I never graduated from my high school, Hyde Park Career Academy here in Chicago, but I had my GED a year before I was supposed to graduate. By the time I would have gotten my HS diploma, I was already enrolled in Devry Institute of Technology in 1993 for an Associate in Applied Science but tuition was too much for me or my moms to handle at the time so I couldn't afford to finish. I then enrolled in Computer Learning Center in 1995 and would have graduated from there had my Devry student loan not went into default. That loan finally got paid back by 2000 but I was weary of any school until 2005 when I enrolled in the UoP (University of Phoenix). I would have graduated except I failed a class (the reason why I fail will probably be a post on the Smokkee's WORLD PRIME blog in the near future; it's a doozy!) and if you fail a class you have to take that class over again but the student loan does not cover make up classes; makeup classes MUST be paid outta pocket and @ $1200.00 + lab fees a class, it wasn't feasible at the time. I need to graduated from college, not because I can get further in life, not because I want to be better than anybody, but because I want my daughters to know that you never give up learning, never give up trying to better yourself, never stop pushing. I haven't, and I hope my attitude and my willingness to put myself right back through school rubs off on them. At least that's what I want to happen WORLD. Hopefully, the point hits home.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Testing Smokkee's WORLD Twitter Page!

Hello WORLD! No new goals here (they're coming though!); move along to the next post if that's what ya here for (of course, that's what you're here for!) Actually this is a MAJOR annoucement of sorts: Most of yall already know ya can find me on Twitter & Facebook (Twitter as @SmokkeBizzee, Facebook as Smokkee Singleton), but now you can find my Blog updates to on Twitter!! Follow @SmokkeeWORLD for all my latest Blog posts. That's it fa now WORLD, but aint that enough?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Goal 4: Get Out Of Debt.

Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's keep going down the list!********************************************
************Goal 4: Get Out Of Debt.**********************************************
Without a shadow of a doubt, debt is the major problem in the USA. I know from first hand experience how much of a problem having bad credit can be. I also know from first hand experience that a student loan can wreck your financial situation if you don't keep the payments. But life happens, ya dig. Life don't just let things be routine. Humans have needs. Humans have kids who also have needs. Humans get sick, can't work for a minute. Humans lose they're jobs right when they need to find ANOTHER job on top of the one which they just lost; now they got still search for two job openings. Etc,etc,etc. Look, I'm not using any of these as an excuse. I owed money and I didn't pay back the money on time. Period. And I don't feel bad about it at all because I know I'll pay what I owe back, just can't do it all at once. I'm not gonna file bankruptcy or nothing like that though, not even thinking of a consolidation program either. See my problem is I KNOW how to get out of debt WITHOUT breaking myself and I'm dragging my feet on it. (NOTE: A LOT of my goals on here I could have been done or should have done but I've been dragging my feet, not rushing. I write this just so that I could actually start putting things into the actions that I've been stalling on all this time.) Now it's time for action and this goal may take about 3-4 years to complete and I might even start a blog about how I got outt of debt in detail so that others can do the same. Which bring s me to my next goal.....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Goal 3: Anthony Hardy-Singleton, Jr.

Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's get started!*****************************************************
GOAL 3 ANTHONY HARDY-SINGLETON, JR***********************************************
Who is Anthony Hardy-Singleton? That's me, eventually, after I get my name changed. If you don't understand what's with the name change, check the last post! Anyway, ANTHONY HARDY-SINGLETON JR is the son who I'll have AFTER the name change, to keep my fathers lineage alive. You gotta understand this one,WORLD.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Goal 2: Change My Name.

Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's get started!*****************************************************
Goal 2: CHANGE MY NAME***********************************************************
Now, of course, I don't have a problem with my name personally. Shit, I love the name Smokkee, which is my real name, and I love my real REAL name as well,LOL! Seriously, the only thing is Singleton is my mother's last name, and there's still quite a few of us Singletons around. My dad, Anthony Hardy, was the last Hardy. NOW you understand why I gotta change my name; it's not for my ego, it's to keep my father's family alive! Which brings us to Goal 3.......

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Goal 1: Top of the Sears Tower

Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's get started!*****************************************************
GOAL 1: THE TOP OF THE SEARS TOWER*********************************************
OK. I'll admit this: I have NEVER been to the top of the Sears Tower even though I am almost a life long Chicagoan! Sad but true. Honestly, I never really wanted to do this but I feel as though all the visitors come from all walks of life just to Chicago to do this so I don't feel right at all about me not even bothering to do this. It shouldn't be that difficult; I probably can do this on a lunch break or something. I figure I'll get this goal accomplished within the next two weeks or so.

Friday, April 2, 2010

My most personal blog yet!

Hello, WORLD!!! By now, I'm sure you've heard of me but in case you haven't.... Hello! My name is Smokkee Singleton aka Mr. G. Biz (the G stands for Goode. I'm a rapper that has not made it to that Worldwide success that I just knew I was headed for but I'm not worried about it; I had a million back up plans that all kicked in nicely! Now, I'm more of a journalist/blogger/humanitarian and I'm just as happy being who I am NOW as I would be with a #1 single on the charts. Probably more so. Currently I have two more blogs. The first one, SMOKKEE's WORLD PRIME, is all about me and it's as personal as this one is except it isn't a focused personal; it's more whatever I feel like writing about at that particular time that I don't have time to put into an article. The second, SMOKKEE's WORLD FAVORITEs, is all about my likes and some dislikes. Basically, I review EVERYTHING I get my hands on! The WORLD 101 blog is more of an agenda that I have set for myself over the past 5 years. It is a list of the 101 things that I want out of life before I'm out of life, feel me? Great! It isn't too presumptuous of me to think that I'll have you along with me for this journey, is it WORLD? I didn't think so. I'm ready so let's start this grand adventure!!! Next: The 101 List!!!!!