Thursday, March 29, 2012


Hello, WORLD! This whole blog has been hard to write in the first place but this post is by far the hardest. The whole goal of this SW101 blog is to document the most important goals I want to accomplish & how I go about completing them. Hopefully, my determination to complete them will motivate others to follow make goals & do the same. This post is about me eating crow, one of the only things I don't like eating. I have to reset this blog as well as my goals. Why? I got a few reasons:

1) The feedback: For the most part, people have been motivating me to complete these goals as much as my own determination is pushing me to complete them. The feedback hasn't had all positive vibes though. A few were tips that I will try to incorporate including the main issue that I have heard: building a little suspense. Duly noted.

2) Completed a goal? Prove it!: Some of the feedback I received had to do with how I can prove if I did this or not. Some of these goals, like getting to the top of the Sears Tower, are easily proven with pics. Some, like getting my tattoo covered up or biking the drive, can even by videoed. But some of the main ones I want to accomplish, like getting out of debt & watching my three youngest kids graduate, would be hard to photo, record on video, or even complete in a quick enough time to make this blog actually work.

3) Me, myself: As I said in my last blog post before this one, I got waaay more than just 101 goals. Thinking about some of the others, as well as the feedback from the first 101 run, some would make a way more interesting posts plus would probably be more fun to complete.

4) My REAL #1 Goal: I can't believe that I made this list with listing my #1 goal since I can remember. I still can't post it here because there is no way I can prove I've done it & even if I do succeed, I probably won't be alive to accomplish it. And that goal is.................. to be announced in the next post. Suspenseful enough? Told ya I'm learning, WORLD!! DUECES!!!!  

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