Friday, January 20, 2012

GOAL 100: Complete 50 Goals

Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's keep going down the list!****************************************

I know, WORLD. A lot of y'all reading this probably thinking I'm just talking to talk. You know how I know this? One of my buddies checked oout my list a few days ago & said "I think you're only gonna do 4-5 of these & quit!" Funny part is he was dead ass serious. I'mma prove him, and you, both wrong! 50 is the half way mark but it's the second to last goal on this list. 100 down, 1 to go and that 1 is...........

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