Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's keep going down the list!***************************************************
WORLD, y'all know I'm a big fan of Blogger. That's why I use it. Hell, I'm using it right now, ain't I? Well, as much as I would love to keep my blogs on Blogger, I would make more money from them if I had them on my own domain. Blogger money is good (I made $500 off of not even a 100 posts in 2011) but I'm more than sure I'll make more money from my blogs if I could eliminate the middle man. Nah mean, WORLD?

1 comment:

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