Monday, January 16, 2012

GOAL 42: Develop A Cell Phone App

Welcome to Smokkee's WORLD 101. I am Smokkee Singleton if you haven't already guessed that by now. The purpose of this blog is to face my 101 goals head on and complete them. It's that simple. Eventually, I may try to organize them in some kind of order but I don't see it right now. I'm more concerned with trying to accomplish them anyway. Let's keep going down the list!****************************************

These days, you gotta know computers. The funny part is there is no guarantee that computers will be around forever. With laptops, cellphones, & tablets coming into their own over the past 5 years, you never can tell. The biggest field these days doesn't seem to be the hardware itself but the applications developed for them. We all have a few ideas for some apps we'd love, right? As of now, I would like an app that can pst to ALL social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, etc) without compromising each network's individuality. I want one but I don't see one. This is the main reason I want to learn computer programming: to fill voids I feel need filling. If I can't find the app I want, why not build it myself? Simple as that.  

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